Rudolf Kruse

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Rudolf Kruse

Faculty of Computer Science
Chair of Computational Intelligence
Gebäude 29, Universitätsplatz 2, 39106, Magdeburg, G29-014

Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kruse is Emeritus Professor at the Faculty of Computer Science at the OVGU Magdeburg

He obtained his diploma degree (1979) , his PhD (1980) and the venia legendi in Mathematics (1984) from the TU Braunschweig, Germany. Following a stay at the Fraunhofer Society, in 1986 he joined the TU Braunschweig as a professor of computer science. From 1996-2017 he was the leader of the Computational Intelligence Group in the Faculty of Computer Science at the OVGU Magdeburg. 

He has carried out research and projects in data science, artificial intelligence, fuzzy systems, and computational intelligence. He has coauthored 40 books as well as more than 450 refereed technical papers in various scientific areas (Google H-Index 59). He received severals scientific awards. His research results were successfully used in various industrial applications. He is Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of EurAI, and Fellow of IFSA. 

Below you'll find information about his activities as Emeritus Professor and his detailed curriculum vitae




Rudolf Kruse was member of the international Jury of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award:This award in the category Information Information and and Communication technologies (400000 Euro) was given to Takeo Kanade for his fundamental work on the interpretation of visual images and scenes. The award ceremony took place in Bilbao. For details see the webpage:  https://www.frontiers of


Rudolf Kruse has received the Scientific Excellence Award 2023 of the EuropeanSociety for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (Eusflat)  "for his outstanding contributions to the theory and implementations of analyses of uncertainty and imprecision in processes and systems ". The award ceremony took place in Palma des Mallorca.


Rudolf Kruse was member of the international Jury of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award: This award in the category Information and Communication technologies (400000 Euro) was given to Alberto Sangiovanni (Berkeley) for his fundamental work on chip design. The award ceremony took place in Bilbao.


The FIN Research Award for Students (sponsored by Rudolf Kruse) was given to Anna Kleinau for her excellent publication.


Rudolf Kruse gave an invited Lecture about "Probabilistische Graphische Modelle in der Industrie" at the TU Braunschweig


Rudolf Kruse gave an invite lecture about "Unsicheres Wissen in der KI: Methoden und Anwendungen" at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg.


Rudolf Kruse gave an invited keynote presentation "Probabilistic Graphical Models: On Reasoning, Learning, and Revision"  at the IC3K 2022 in La Valetta, Malta.


On the occasion of Rudolf Kruse's 70th birthday, there was a reception at the Faulty of Computer Science.


The course on Baysian Networks in WS 2022/23 starts, see teaching website for detailled information including slides.


Rudolf Kruse was member of the Doctorate Commission of a former student at OVGU Georg Jäger, supervisor of the dissertation was Sebastian Zug at the Technische University Bergakademie in Freiberg (Sachsen),


Rudolf Kruse attended the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Bilbao as a jury member. Judea Pearl received the award in the category Information and Communication Technologies.


Rudolf Kruse gave a talk on "Bayesian Networks - Methods and Applications" for AI Lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel


Our Springer- Book "Computational Intelligence: A Methodological Introduction", Third Edition, 2022,  is now available. See our webpage 


The course on Fuzzy Systems in SS 2022 starts, see teaching website for detailled information and slides.


Rudolf Kruse was member of the international jury of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award. This award in the category Information and Communication technologies (400000 Euro) was given to Judea Pearl for his fundamental work of Bayesian Networks.


Rudolf Kruse gave a talk on Artificial Intelligence at the Museum für Naturkunde Magdeburg.


The course on Bayesian Networks in WS 2021/2022 at OVGU-FIN starts, see teaching website for detailled information including slides.

 1.6. 2021

Rudolf Kruse was member of the international jury of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award. This prestigious award in the category information and communication technologies (400000 Euro) was given to John Hennessy and David Patterson for their fundamental work on computer architectures and processor design.                                       

Rudolf Kruse  was a member of the IEEE CIS Fellow Committee.


The course on Fuzzy Systems in SS 2021 starts, see detailled information on the teaching page information including slides.


The IEEE CIS celebrated the Centenary Birthday of Lotfi Zadeh  (1921-2017), the Founder of Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Lotfi Zadeh. A few videos were prepared by old friends  (among them R. Kruse)  to remind what a scientist and what a man he was. See


Rudolf Kruse gave a talk on "Probabilistische Graphische Modelle in der Industrie" at TU Braunschweig.

15.01. 2021

The book " Zusammenwirken von natürlicher und künstlicher Intelligenz", Springer VS, 2021, is available. R. Kruse is one of the five coeditor of this open access book.  


The book "Handbuch der künstlichen Intelligenz", Edition, Oldenburg Verlag, is available. C. Borgelt, C. Braune, and R. Kruse wrote the chapter on uncertainty, imprecision and fuzziness.


Rudolf Kruse and Alexander Dockhorn gave the invited opening keynote presentation (online) at theThird International Symposium on Signal and Image Processing ISSIP 2020 in Zagreb.


Alexander Dockhorn and Rudolf Kruse gave the invited opening plenary (online) at the 10th IEEE Intelligent Systems Conference IS 2020 in Varna.


Rudolf Kruse is a member of  Braunschweigische Wissenschaftliche Akademie (BWG), and there he serves as a vice speaker of the working group SYNENCE. 


Alexander Dockhorn, a doctorate of Rudolf Kruse, defended his dissertation "Prediction-Based Search for Autonomous Game-Playing" with honors.

He received the best dissertation awards of the Faculty of Informatics.


Rudolf Kruse served as a member of several IEEE CIS Committees: Fellows, Best Dissertation, Pioneer Award

18.02. 2020

Rudolf Kruse was member of the international jury of the BBVA Foundations Frontiers of Knowledge Award. The meeting took place in Madrid. The prestigious award in the category information and communication technologies (400000 Euro) was given to Isabelle Guyon, Bernhard Schölkopf, and Vladimir Vapnik for their fundamental contibutions to machine learning.


Alexander Dockhorn accepted a post doc job at the Queen Mary University in London.


Rudolf Kruse was co-organizer of the CIES Symposium of IEEE-SSCI in China


Rudolf Kruse gave an invited plenary talk on Artificial Intelligence at the Schweriner Wissenschaftswoche.


Rudolf Kruse signed a contract with OVGU that allows him to work for the third party project with University of Bremen, Salzgitter AG and OVGU, to give lectures, and to serve as supervisor of doctorates until  September 2021 


Rudolf Kruse attended the opening of the “” exhibition in Magdeburg.


Rudolf Kruse attended the 11th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT) in Prague, September 9-13, 2019. There his doctorate Alexander Dockhorn received a distinguished student paper award.


Rudolf Kruse attended the 2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) in Budapest, Hungary on July 14-19, 2019.


Rudolf Kruse attended the ceremony of the BBVA Award as a member of the jury in Bilbao, Spain


Rudolf Kruse attended the International Council meeting of the Ostrava University, Czech Republic


Rudolf Kruse, Alexander Dockhorn, and Ole Perschewski attended a meeting in Salzgitter within the third party project entitled “Energy-optimized control of a fuel-driven power plant under rapidly varying boundary conditions”


Rudolf Kruse served as a member of several IEEE CIS Award committees: Fellow Committee, Fuzzy Pioneer Award Committee, Best Dissertation award committee


Rudolf Kruse gave an invited plenary lecture about decomposable probabilistic models at the CoDIT’19 in Paris. The conference is the sixth edition in the series of the International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, sponsored by IEEE SMC


Rudolf Kruse is appointed as  a member of the International Council at the University of Ostrava for the period 2019-2022. The first meeting took place in Ostrava for two days. 


Tuan Tran Nguyen defended his dissertation entitled A reliability-aware fusion concept towards robust ego-line estimation incorporating multiple sources


Rudolf Kruse gave a lecture about decomposable probabilistic models during his research stay in Paris at the Sorbonne University. The stay was sponsored within the IEEE CIS Distinguished Lecture Program.


Rudolf Kruse attended the Editorial Meeting of the Wiley Journal “Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery” in Jersey City. He is one of the founding member of this journal, starting in 2007, see


Rudolf Kruse was member of the international jury of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards, the meeting took place in Madrid . The prestigious award in the category Information and Communication Technologies (Award: 400.000 Euro) is given to Ivan Sutherland, the “father” of Computer Graphics, for detail click here


Rudolf Kruse was Coorganizer of the interdisziplinary Synenz Symposium, see in Braunschweig about ethical, legal and technical aspects of digitalization. He was the moderator of the public evening event in the Dorne of Altstadtrathaus in Braunschweig with the two speakers Wolfgang Wahlster, CEO of German Research Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Saarbrücken, and Andreas Kruse, Leader of the Institute of Gerontology, University of Heidelberg. 200 people attended this interesting event.


Rudolf Kruse visited Christian Moewes, Robert Bosch GmbH, in Bamberg. They discussed about ongoing common projects.


Rudolf Kruse was member of the organization committee of the 1. BWG Symposium, 14-15.2.18, Braunschweig, about „Zusammenwirken von natürlicher und künstlicher Intelligenz“. Germans most prominent Artificial Intelligence Researcher Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wahlster is one of the invited plenary speakers, see


Rudolf Kruse attended the Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Dortmund


Rudolf Kruse visited the KNIME Company in Konstanz, and he attended the Thesis Proposal of Christoph Doell at the University of Konstanz as an external reviewer.


Rudolf Kruse gave four lectures during his research stay in India from 10.11.18-20.11.18 which was sponsored within the IEEE CIS Distinguished Lecture Program and by the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) in Kolkata. 15.11.Some details about the research stay: DLP Lecture at ISI, 16.11. Lecture at University of Bhubaneswar , 18.11. Chair of CIES Symposium at IEEE SSCI in Bangalore, 20.11. Presentation at IEEE SSCI in Bangalore, 23.11. Invited Plenary talk at ICRCICN Conference at Kolkata.


Rudolf Kruse  presented CI Methods at Continental (Hannover) and VW Data Lab (Munich)


Christian Braune defended his dissertation entitled Skeleton-based validation of density based clustering


Rudolf Kruse received the IEEE Fuzzy Systems Pioneer Award and giave a plenary talk at the WCCI’2018 in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.


Rudolf Kruse attended the ceremony of the BBVA Award as a member of the jury in Madrid, Spain


Rudolf Kruse was participant of a panel about Lotfi Zadeh at the IPMU’2018  conference in Cadiz, Spain


Rudolf Kruse was plenary speaker at the World Congress on Soft Computing in Baku, Aserbaidschan


Rudolf Kruse serves as a member of the jury of "la Caixa" Fellowships in Barcelona, Spain


Rudolf Kruse will serve as a member of the advisory board of the journal Fuzzy Sets and Systems.


Rudolf Kruse was reviewer of the dissertation of M.Sc. Wolfgang Doneit, and he attended the defense at the University of Karlsruhe (KIT).  


Rudolf Kruse was member of the international jury of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards. The prestigious award in the category Information and Communication Technologies (Price money 400.000 Euro) is given to Goldwasser, Micali, Rivest and Shamir for enabling a secure digital society thanks to modern cryptography


Rudolf Kruse was coorganizer  of the workshop on soft-computing at the HICSS'49 at Hawaii.


Rudolf Kruse serves as an  IEEE CIS distinguished lecturer for the period 2018-2020.


Rudolf Kruse has been  approved as associate editor for the journals on Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Computer Aided Engineering, Applied Logic, Information sciences, Wiley Interdisciplinary: Reviews on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, and  Uncertainty,  Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based System


R. Kruse was Co-Organizer of the CIES Symposium in Honolulu at the IEEE-SSCI 2017 in Honolulu.


R. Kruse gave an invitational talk at the 27. Workshop on Computational Intelligence, Dortmund entitled “ Decomposable Graphical Models in Industrial Applications”.


T.T. Nguyen, doctorate of R. Kruse, received the best poster award at the IEEE Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems in Daegu, Korea


R. Kruse was Co Editor of special issue for the Applied Soft Computing  entitled “Applied soft computing for business analytics”.


Prof. Kruse is now Emeritus Professor. He agrees to continue to give lectures on Computational Intelligence for the next two years. In WS 2017/18 he started a course on Bayes Networks, see the lecture page for more information.He agreed to serve as supervisor (Bachelor, Master, Ph.D.), and to accept offers as consultant in academia and industry.


Rudolf Kruse celebrated his 65 birthday. On this occasion, a festive event and a symposium on the subject of Computational Intelligence took place. See the Colloquium\\'s webpage for schedule, photos, and documents. He is happy that Sanaz Mostaghim is his successor as the chair of the CI Group. 


Publications 2017-2023

Rudolf Kruse

Google Scholar, 1.9.24 :  h-index 59,  21435 cites, 1.9.24: D-index in Computer Science 63, 20009 cites, 459 publications, no 87 in National Ranking


R. Kruse, S. Mostaghim, C. Borgelt, C.Braune, M. Steinbrecher, Computational Intelligence: A Methodological Introduction, Third Edition, Springer- Series "Texts in Computer Science", 638 pages,  2022

A. Dockhorn, R. Kruse, Balancing Exploration and Exploitation in Forward Learning, in S. Vassil et al, Advances in Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation, Springer, pp1-19, 2022

A. Dockhorn, R. Kruse, State and Action Abstraction for Serach and Reinforcement Learning Algorithms, AI in Control and Decision-making Systems, Springer pp 181-198, 2023

A. Dockhorn, R. Kruse, Modellheuristiken für effizientes forward model learning, at-Automatisierungstechnik, vol 69,issue 10, 2021

A. Dockhorn, R. Kruse, Fuzzy Modeling in Game AI, TWMS Journal of Pure and Appled Mathematics, Vol 12, Nr. 1, pp. 54-68 2021

Sgurev V., Jotsov V., Kruse R., Hadjiski M. (Eds), 10th IEEE Conference on Intelligent Systems , IS 2020, Varna, IEEE Conference Proceeding, 2020

Haux, K.Gahl, M, Jipp, R. Kruse, O.Richter (Eds.), Zusammenleben von natürlicher und künstlicher Intelligenz, Springer VS, 2021 

C. Braune, C, Borgelt, R. Kruse, Unsicheres, impräzises und unscharfes Wissen, In G. Görz et al, Handbuch der Künstlichen Intelligenz, 6. Auflage,Oldenbourg Verlag, pp 279-342, 2021

A. Dockhorn, R. Kruse, Predicting Cards Using a Fuzzy Multiset Clustering of Decks, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems 13 (1) , 2020

A. Dockhorn, R. Kruse Forward Model Learning for Motion Control Tasks, Proc. IEEE IS 2020 in Varna, pp 1-5, 2020 (received a best paper award)

A. Dockhorn, C. Saxton, R. Kruse, Association Rule Mining for Unknown Video Games, In Eds. M.-J. Lesot and C. Marsala, Fuzzy Approaches for Soft Computing and Aproximate reasongng : Theories and Applications 394 , Springer, 2021

S. M. Lucas, A. Dockhorn, V. Volz, C. Bamford, R. D. Gaina, I. Bravi, D. Perez-Liebana, S. Mostaghim, and R. Kruse, A Local Approach to Forward Model Learning: Results on the Game of Life Game, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Games (CoG), London, 2019

A. Dockhorn, T. Schwensfeier, and R. Kruse, Fuzzy Multiset Clustering for Metagame Analysis, Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, Prague 2019

I. Couso, C. Borgelt, E. Hüllermeier, and R. Kruse, Fuzzy Sets in Data Analysis: From Statistical Foundations to Machine Learning. IEEE Comp. Int. Mag. 14(1): 31-44 (2019)

J.-O. Perschewski, T. T. Nguyen, J. Spehr, S. Zug, and R. Kruse. Multi-Source Fusion Using Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms Towards Ego-Lane Estimation. In S. N. Shahbazov et al. Editor, Recent Development and the New Directions in Soft Computing,Series Studies in Fuzziness Vol 393 , Springer, 2020.

T. T. Nguyen, J.-O. Perschewski, F. Engel, J. Kruesemann, J. Sitzmann, J.Spehr, S. Zug, and R. Kruse. Reliability-Aware and Robust Multi-Sensor Fusion Towards Ego-Lane Estimation Using Artifcial Neural Networks. In Eloi Bosse and Galina Rogova, editors, Information quality in Information Fusion and decision making. Springer Nature, 2019.

G. Pasi, R. Kruse, and M. Viviani, Introduction to the Minitrack on Soft Computing: Methods and Applications. In Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2018

A. Dockhorn and R. Kruse, Detecting Sensor Dependencies for Building Complementary Model Ensembles.  Proceedings. 28. Workshop Computational Intelligence, Dortmund, 29.-30. November 2018, 2018.

A. Dockhorn, T. Tippelt, and R. Kruse, Model Decomposition for Forward Model Approximation Alexander. In 2018 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2018, pages 17511757

T. T. Nguyen, J. Spehr, S. Zug, and R. Kruse, Multisource Fusion for Robust Road DetectionUsing Online Estimated Reliabilities, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14(11), 2018, pages 4927-4939

A. Dockhorn, M. Frick., Ü. Akkaya, R. Kruse, Predicting Opponent Moves for Improving Hearthstone AI. In: 17th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, IPMU 2018, pp. 621632, 2018

F. Schmidt, J. Gebhardt, R. Kruse „Decomposable Graphical Models on Learning, Fusion and Revision”. In: L.Zadeh, R. Yager, et. al, Recent Developments and the New Direction in Soft-Computing Foundations and Applications, Springer, pp 439-452, 2018.

T. T. Nguyen, J. Spehr, J. Sitzmann, S. Zug, and R. Kruse. Zuverlässigkeitsschatzung und zuverlässigkeitsbasierte Fusion von Ego-Fahrstreifen fur automatisch Fahrfunktionen. In ITS mobility e.V., editor, AAET - Automatisiertes und Vernetztes Fahren, pages 339-355. ITS mobility e.V, Braunschweig, 2018.

Pasi, G., Kruse, R., Viviani, M. Introduction to the Minitrack on Soft Computing, HICSS 2018:1

T. T. Nguyen, J. Spehr, D. Vock, M. Baum, S. Zug, and R. Kruse. A GeneralReliability-Aware Fusion Concept Using DST and Supervised Learning with ItsApplications in Multi-Source Road Estimation. In 2018 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2018.

T. T. Nguyen, J. Spehr, J. Sitzmann, M. Baum, S. Zug, and R. Kruse. ImprovingEgo-Lane Detection by Incorporating Source Reliability. In S. Lee, H. Ko,U. D. Hanebeck, F. Sun, and S. Oh, editors, Multisensor Fusion and Integrationin the Wake of Big Data, Deep Learning and Cyber Physical System, volume501 of Lecture notes in electrical engineering. Springer International Publishing,2018.

A. Dockhorn, C. Doell, M. Hewelt and R. Kruse “A Decision Heuristic for Monte Carlo Tree Search Doppelkopf Agents”. In: 2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI) (2017).

T.Sabsch, C.Braune, A. Dockhorn and R. Kruse “Using a Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm for Curve Approximation”. In: 2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI). 2017.

T. T. Nguyen, J. Spehr, J.-O. Perschewski, F. Engel, S. Zug, and R. Kruse, “Zuverlässigkeitsbasierte Fusion von Fahrstreifeninformationen für Fahrerassistenzfunktionen,” in Proceedings 27. Workshop Computational Intelligence, F. Hoffmann, E. Hüllermeier, and R. Mikut, Eds. Karlsruhe and Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing, 2017, pp. 3349.

T. T. Nguyen, J. Spehr, J. Xiong, M. Baum, S. Zug, and  R. Kruse, “A Survey of Performance Measures to Evaluate Ego-Lane Estimation and a Novel Sensor-Independent Measure Along with Its Applications,” in IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems, 2017, pp. 239246.

T. T. Nguyen, J. Spehr, J. Xiong, M. Baum, S. Zug, and R. Kruse “Online Reliability Assessment and Reliability-Aware Fusion for Ego-Lane Detection Using Influence Diagram and Bayes Filter,” in IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems, 2017, pp. 714.

Richard Weber, Cristián Bravo, Rudolf Kruse, Sebastián Maldonado: Special issue "Applied soft computing for business analytics". Appl. Soft Comput. 60: 750-751 (2017)

Alexander Dockhorn, Rudolf Kruse: Combining cooperative and adversarial coevolution in the context of pac-man. CIG 2017: 60-67


Further information about acticities of the CI group before 2017   

Rudolf Kruse's complete CV (including all publications)   



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