SwarmLab Projects


  • Christoph Steup
  • Sebastian Mai
  • Michael Preuß
  • Sanaz Mostaghim



The course will be held in English or German depending on the participants preferred language.


All students of bachelor and master curriculums of the faculty are eligable to visit the course. The course can be taken as Digital Engineering Project, Inter-Disciplinary Project or Team-Project. The actual type of course depends on the needs of the students and the available Topics. It is mandatory for a participant to have background knowledge in at least one of the following topics:

  • Robotics
  • Programming in C/C++ or Python
  • Theorie and Algorithms of Swarm Intellligence
  • Communications and Networks
  • Development of Embedded Applications  in C
  • Robot Operating System (ROS)
  • Linux Server Admisitration


First Meeting: 

The first meeting will be used to organize the project. We will describe the available tasks, the used system and group the interested students. The date of the Kickoff-Meeting (tba) If you want to participate, this meeting is mandatory.



The course will be taken in groups of 3-5 Students per topic. The  students and the groups will be chosen by us depending on your background. The individual topics are not fully fixed, extensions and modifications are possible depending on the skills and interest of participating students. This will be discussed in the first meeting. The result of each project is a working demonstration with commented source code and a written documentation indicating the general concept and a How to to start the demo.

Available Topics:

Teamproject: Driving Swarm

(Already full)

Participants will develop a representation for a robots environment within the swarm (obstacle classification). In addition you will develop reactive behaviours that use the environment representation.

Teamproject: Automatization of Inventory Management for the FIN

The university administration requires every piece of equipment over 100 Euro worth to be registered and assigned to a structural unit. Currently, this process is done manually by assigning numeric IDs to each piece of equipment and handling those IDs using Excel-Sheets. The purpose of this team project is to automize this process by leveraging the available bar code reader and the attached bar codes of the tags sticked on the pieces. In this project a software solution shall be devloped, which enables adminitsrative staff to scan the tags and output all relevant information as well as updating the last known location. The system should be composed of a database backend together with a pc or smartphone front end. The backend slould provide a well-documented API to integrate additional future services.

Contact: Michael.preuss@ovgu.de, steup@ovgu.de 

Teamproject / DE-Project: Multi-Source Certainty Grid Cooperative Localization

The general approach of this project is to use certainty grids for teammate localisation. The certainty grid provides a simple way to combine information from multiple sources into a single location estimate. The basic approach of certainty grids is to provide a discretised representation of the spacial probability distribution of the position of the other robots. The underlying grid is aligned to the map the robot uses to navigate (i.e. an occupancy grid created with SLAM). For each cell the probability that the target/teammate is present is computed given the sensor information so each layer is clearly defined by a set of probabilities. The combination of all the layers uses the Bayes Rule for each cell in the grid. The goal of this project is to use and enhance the existing certainty localization grid system on real robots and evaluate the results.

Contact: steup@ovgu.de 

Teamproject / DE-Project: Development and Integration of a Steering System for an Autonomous Model Car

This project aims to select, design and implement a stepper motor based steering system for the autonomous model car of the oTToCAR Team of the university. The tasks to be done in the project is the acquisitation if the hardware and software requirements and the selection of appropriate hardware components with reasonable costs. Additionally, the chosen hardware needs to be integrated into the current oTToCAR mechanically and in software. Finally the resulting system needs to be evaluated regarding precision, speed and robustness.

Contact: steup@ovgu.de


Addational Topics: on request

Last Modification: 20.10.2020 - Contact Person: Webmaster