Dominik Fischer, M.Sc.
Dr. Dominik Fischer
Chair of Computational Intelligence
"All models are wrong, some are useful! Insight is the goal, not numbers! " - C.B.
Research Interests
- Evolutionary Algorithms, Complex Systems and Network Theory
- Collective Behavior, Intelligent Systems and Swarm Intelligence
- Managerial, Organizational and Social Cognition
- 06/2017 – 09/2020: Doctoral Candidate, title of the dissertation: “Essays on Reliability of Intelligent Systems, Cognition in Organization Theory and Digitalization in Financial Accounting”
- 03/2018 – 04/2018: Research fellow at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA.
- 04/2015 – 05/2017: Otto-von-Guerike-University of Magdeburg, Master of Science in Data- and Knowledge-Engineering.
- 10/2011 – 03/2015: Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Bachelor of Science in Information Systems.
- 08/2008 – 08/2011: Software developer at idowapro, Straubing and Landshut idowapro is an internet agency of the newspaper group “Straubinger Tagblatt / Landshuter Zeitung”
- 10/2006 – 07/2008: Berufsfachschule für EDV-Berufe Plattling, Specialized Computer Scientist – Software Development (COC)
Research & Publications
- Fischer, D., 2020. Measuring the Collective Mind in Organizations. Working paper
- Accepted for the “AoM Cognition in the Rough Workshop, Boston, 2019”
- Accepted for the “Frontiers in MOC, Singapore, 2020” (cancelled).
- Accepted for the “EURAM Conference, Dublin, 2020”.
- Accepted for the "Organization Theory Winter Workshop, 2020".
- Fischer D, Mostaghim S, Albantakis L. How cognitive and environmental constraints influence the reliability of simulated animats in groups. Huk M, editor. PLoS One. 2020;15: e0228879. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0228879
- Downar, B., Fischer D., 2019. Wirtschaftsprüfung im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung. In R. Obermeier, ed. Industrie 4.0 als unternehmerische Gestaltungsaufgabe. Springer Gabler, pp. 753–779.
- Fischer, D., Mostaghim, S. & Albantakis, L., 2018. How swarm size during evolution impacts the behavior, generalizability, and brain complexity of animats performing a spatial navigation task. GECCO 2018. Available at:
- Richter, W.-D. & Fischer, D., 2016. Journal Entry Testing - Ein praxisorientierter Ansatz unter Verwendung der Netzwerkstruktur. In G. Herde, ed. GoBD und Big Data - Neue Herausforderungen für die digitale Datenanalyse. Erich Schmidt Verlag Berlin, pp. 85–106.
- Herde, G. & Fischer, D., 2015. Performance Measurement of Audit Software Tools. Bavarian Journal of Applied Sciences, 1(1), pp. 27–39.
- 2019/07/01: European Group for Organization Studies Pre-Colloquium PhD Workshop,Edinburgh, Scotland, “Measuring the Collective Mind in Organizations”.
- 2018/11/09: TEDxDIT, Deggendorf, Germany, “Minds and Machines”.
- 2018/10/27: BAYERN 2, Zündfunk Netzkongress, München, Germany, „Der Weg nach Westworld: Kann es künstliches Bewusstsein geben?“ ([en] The path to westworld: Is artificial consciousness possible?).
- 2018/07/18: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Kyoto, Japan, “How swarm size during evolution impacts the behavior, generalizability, and brain complexity of animats performing a spatial navigation task”.
- 2017/06/19: International Computer Auditing Education Association, London, UK, „Evidence-Based Decisions using Big Data Analytics – A Innovative Course for Schools of Management”, with Prof. Dr. Georg Herde.
- 2014/02/22: International Conference on Accounting and Information Technology, Chiayi, Taiwan, „Performance Measurement of Audit Software Tools”.
(@TUM) “Evidence Based Decisions Using Big Data Analytics”, including course development.
(@TUM) “Fundamentals of Business Administration”.
(@TUM) “Topics in General Management (Business Simulation Game)”.
Supervised Master Theses:
Advanced Natural Language Processing for cognitive bias detection in financial reports.
An experimental model and implementation of the blockchain technology into financial accounting.
Concept for a blockchain-based cross-company financial accounting system.
Implementing a prototype for graph-based continuous auditing.
IT Target Operating Model 4.0: The role of IT in digital transformation.
Natural Language Processing for sentiment analysis of financial reports.
Machine learning for bankruptcy detection based on textual data.
Modeling a multi-agent environment to represent fraudulent behavior.
Predictive analytics in the manufacturing environment: A case of teaching machine learning algorithms.
The practical application of Process Mining for analysis, improvement and continuous monitoring of business processes.
Supervised Bachelor Theses:
Comparison and evaluation of current innovations for the digital transformation in external auditing.
Current state and outlook on the development of data analysis with the focus on applications in audit and accounting.
Digital transformation in traditional financial businesses: The accountant as a preventer or promoter?
Organizations in a digital future – implications from High Reliability Organizations.
The potential of digital innovations in financial audit and accounting.
Using graph metrics to support Journal Entry Testing.