1st and 2nd places at International Competition Computational Intelligence in Games

28.08.2017 -  

The students of our CIG Course got several prizes at the international competition in Computational Intelligence in Games which was announced last week at CIG 2017 Conference in New York

In this competition which was part of the requirements for the course Computational Intelligence in Games SS17, the students have worked on AI methods for the PacMan Game. The competition had two categories: MS. Pac-Man Track and  Ghost Team Track. In both categories, our students could win some prizes.

In Ghost Team Track:

  • Place 1 (Max F.), Prize 500 USD
  • Place 2 (Felix P., Till I.), Prize 300 USD
  • Place 5 (Nils S., Tim T.)
  • Place 6 (Stefan S. und Thomas S.)

In Ms. Pac-Man Track:  

  • Place 4 (Tony S.)
  • Place 5 (Bastian H.)
  • Place 6 (Alex D.)

photo5269743659388086414.jpg picture from the internal OvGU competition in July 2017

Last Modification: 08.07.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster