Max Weber Programm 2024
Sanaz gave a two-week lecture on "the science of decision-making" at the Summer Academy (Sommerakademie) of the Max Weber Programm which is part of the Studienstiftung. It was truely a great pleasure to work with such talented young students for two weeks.
RoboCup WorldCup 2024
Our team got the second place at the worldCup 2024 which took place in Einhoven :) Congratulations!!!
Aim-FarmRob First Field Test
Today, the Aim-FarmRob team did a first real-world test of their agricultural robot on an actual field.
The smaller of the two prototypes, named “Cyrus” (after Cyrus McCormick, a famous inventor of agriculture machinery), went on its first journey out into the wild. The software worked flawlessly, as the simulation predicted. However, on the field, the team discovered that the uneven surface of the field overloaded the stall torque of the motors controlling the steering. Consequently, the steering system of the robots needs to be slightly redesigned to provide more torque. The team is eager to come back and aims to conquer their field in August.
We are attending IEEE WCCI 2024 in Yokohama, Japan and presented 5 Papers:
- Tomoya Hömberg, Sanaz Mostaghim, Satoru Hiwa, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu, Optimized Drug Design using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms with SELFIES
- Saiful Islam, Sanaz Mostaghi, Michael Hartmann, A Survey on Multi-Objective Optimization in Microgrid Systems
- Lukas Bostelmann-Arp, Christoph Steup and Sanaz Mostaghim, Free-Form Coverage Path Planning of Quadcopter Swarms for Search and Rescue Missions using Multi-Objective Optimization
- Boris Djartov, Sanaz Mostaghim, Anne Papenfuss and Mathias Wies, A Learning Classifier System Approach to Time-Critical Decision-Making in Dynamic Alternate Airport Selection
- Markus Rothkötter, Niklas Kluge and Sanaz Mostaghim, Application of a Bi-objective EA for RAN Resources Optimization in a Dynamic Scenario
Public lecture at IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence
Sanaz gave a public lecture at the IEEE World Congress on Compuettaional Intelligence which took place in Yokohama, Japan.
Prof. Kruse as a Jury of BBVA Award
Im Juni fand in Bilbao die Verleihung des BBVA Foundation of Knowledge Award statt. Herr Professor Kruse war zum 12ten Mal Mitglied der siebenköpfigen internationalen Jury. Den diesjährigen Gewinner des mit 400.000 Euro dotierten Preises ist Takeo Kanade
Human Swarm 2024
Thanks for attending the Human Swarm event 2024. Here are some of the results. Altogether 120 participated in the swarm.
Colors: 32 Blue, 30 Pink, 29 Yellow and 29 Green
Shapes: 35 Square, 23 Triangles, 18 Pentagon and 44 Circles
Task 1: Collective Perception - Color (Which color is in majority?)
The swarm converged to green - Not correct (This could be because the two colors yellow and green were very similar).
Task 2: Collective perception - Shape (Which shape is in majority?)
The swarm converged to circle - Correct
Task 3: Sorting the colors
Task 4: Sorting the shapes
Task 5: Sorting the numbers
Task 6: Scrabble: Very long words are built.
More analysis and videos will follow soon.
If you are interested to read more, you can refer to our article:
- Sanaz Mostaghim and Sebastian Mai
- Kooperation mittels Schwarmintelligenz
- In Haux R, Gahl K, Jipp M, Kruse R, Richter O, Herausgeber. Zusammenwirken von natürlicher und künstlicher Intelligenz. Pages 55-69, Wiesbaden: Springer VS; 2021 -->
Here is the first video:
Fraunhofer IVI
Besides her professorship and her position as the head of the chair of Computational Intelligence, Sanaz is the new Institute Director at Fraunhofer IVI (Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems).
Sanaz in Bundesjury for Jugendforscht
Sanaz was a member of the Bundesjury of JugendForscht Competitions, which took place from May 30 to June 2 in Heilbronn, Germany.
Picture: Left to right - Rüdiger Grimm (Bundesjury), Christine Regitz, Präsidentin der Gesellschaft für Informatik, Prof. Christel Baier (Bundesjury), Prof. Sanaz Mostaghim (Bundesjury)
Braunschweigische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft
Sanaz has been appointed as a corresponding member of Braunschweigische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (BWG).
Research Visit Qianqian
It was a pleasure to host Ms. Qianqian Yu at our group:
Visit of Professor Hisao Ishibuchi
Professor Hisao Ishibuchi visited the chair of Computational Intelligence. During the two-day research visit, we had an intensive research exchange with 10 talks from the group and 3 talks by Prof. Ishibuchi:
Code on Zenodo
You can find our codes on Zenodo:
Some of them are still available here: CODES
Research Visit from Japan
It was a great pleasure to host Ryunosuke Tazawa as a PhD Guest from Japan Institute of Science and Technology. Ryu was part of the team for one year.
Research Collaboration with Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover
Research meeting with project partners from Tierärztliche Hochschule in SwarmLab. Happy to host Whiskey as part of the project.
Christmas 2023
Finally, Christmas 2023! Wishing everyone happy holidays, a merry Christmas and all the best for a happy, healthy and successful new year 2024.
SSCI 2023
Team Magdeburg at IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence in Mexico with three papers.
robOTTO at Consumenta 2023
Our RoboCup@Work team “robOTTO” participated in the 1st @Work Innovation Open in Nuremberg, embedded into the Consumenta Fair 2023. The team dominated their competition and finished first after four competition runs. Additionally, the team won the navigation challenge with a time of two minutes for navigating the arena. This is even more impressive considering that the team was only present with four team members because right now, lectures are going on, which collided with the competition.
Christoph as AI-Talent Young Scientist Group Leader
Christoph Steup is part of the AI-Talent Program funded by the German Federal Ministry of education and research (BMBF). As a Young Scientist Group Leader, he is leading the working group Computational Intelligence in Robotics (CIR):
Christoph in the MDR Podcast
Listen to the podcast "Digital Leben" about robotics and intelligent systems by Christoph: