Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft 2016

23.05.2016 -  

On Saturday 21st May, over 1000 people visited SwarmLab. The highlight was the live television broadcast program at 19:15 on MDR.

We presented our Mixed-Reality Swarm: One flying robot flying in autonomous mode and two others in simulation. The three of them were connected to each other using the concepts of Swarm Intelligence: Flying while keeping a swarm formation.

Additionally we presented our 4 flying robots which have a swarm behavior and fly like birds -without direct communication with each other- and keep the same height. They only use ultrasound sensors to feel where the other swarm members are.

The third program was the Rolling Swarm. The visitors could play a game with the rolling swarm and collectively solve the game.


LNDW16-SwarmLab-MDR SwarmLab-MDR

LNDW16-SwarmLab-1 LNDW16-SwarmLab-2  LNDW16-SwarmLab-3 LNDW16-SwarmLab-4 LNDW16-SwarmLab-5 LNDW16-SwarmLab-6 LNDW16-SwarmLab-7

more pictures here.

Last Modification: 08.07.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster