
RoboCup 2017

26.10.2016 -

Our RoboCup team is getting ready for GermanOpen and WorldCup 2017 :-) 



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CIG International Competition

23.09.2016 -

Our students from the course Computational Intelligence in Games got the second place at this year’s international Competition on Computational Intelligence in Games in Santorini, Greece.

Congratulations to them and well-done -->


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Working Group

22.09.2016 -

We celebrated the graduation of two of our Master Students, Florian Uhde and Andrei Stein :-) 




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Jim Bezdek in Magdeburg

26.08.2016 -

From September 12 to 16, Professor Jim Bezdek visited Swarm Lab. Here some pictures:

IMG_5731 IMG_5757

IMG_5753 IMG_5733




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Plenary Talk at IEEE WCCI 16

29.07.2016 -

On July 29th, Sanaz gave a Plenary Talk at IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence about "Decision-Maker Swarms":


Swarm intelligence is one of the popular approaches in computational intelligence. It models a collective behavior of simple individuals with simple rules and local interactions. In nature, swarm intelligent systems are known to be flexible, robust against failures and adaptive to the changes in the environment. This talk presents the theory of swarm intelligence and its application in technical systems. The major focus is on the methodologies for social and cooperative behavior of technical systems in unknown environments. Particularly, multi-objective decision-making at runtime in dynamic environments will be addressed. The application and the corresponding challenges in swarm robotics using flying objects and real-time simulations in dynamic environments will be presented.







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Computational Intelligence in Games Competition

06.07.2016 -

Thanks to our CIG students, Acagamics and FaraFIN for organizing the event!

The students of the CIG course organized the 2016 "OvGU Computational Intelligence in Games Competition" on July 6th, 2016. The winners are:

1st Position: (Ichiban-Chan AI)

1. Anna Schmeier
2. Daniel Pohlandt

2nd Position: (DoomAI)

1. Prashanth Siddagangaiah
2. Ajay Jason Andrade

3rd Position: (OttoNorrisAI)

1. Robby Henkelmann
2. Tilman Reipsch
3. Alexander Simmer




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RoboCup 2016

28.06.2016 -


RoboCup-Team under our supervision at the worldcup in Leipzig: 30 June - 4 July 2016

Congratulations to the team: We got the 4th place at @Work league and 1st place at the cross-over challenge --> To the results 




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Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft 2016

23.05.2016 -

On Saturday 21st May, over 1000 people visited SwarmLab. The highlight was the live television broadcast program at 19:15 on MDR.

We presented our Mixed-Reality Swarm: One flying robot flying in autonomous mode and two others in simulation. The three of them were connected to each other using the concepts of Swarm Intelligence: Flying while keeping a swarm formation.

Additionally we presented our 4 flying robots which have a swarm behavior and fly like birds -without direct communication with each other- and keep the same height. They only use ultrasound sensors to feel where the other swarm members are.

The third program was the Rolling Swarm. The visitors could play a game with the rolling swarm and collectively solve the game.


LNDW16-SwarmLab-MDR SwarmLab-MDR

LNDW16-SwarmLab-1 LNDW16-SwarmLab-2  LNDW16-SwarmLab-3 LNDW16-SwarmLab-4 LNDW16-SwarmLab-5 LNDW16-SwarmLab-6 LNDW16-SwarmLab-7

more pictures here.

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Rolling Swarm

20.05.2016 -

Rolling Swarm: Visit our new members in SwarmLab on LNDW16: May 21st in Room G29-035






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Xenija's Interview is Online

18.05.2016 -

Here you can see the interview with Xenijaät/Nachwuchs+fördern.html


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Hasch mich, ich bin ein Copter

02.05.2016 -

Mitmach-Experiment  -- Lange Nacht der Wiseenschaft 2016

In diesem Mitmach-Experiment können einzelne Personen einen Copter teilautonom steuern und müssen dabei versuchen einen virtuellen Copter zu fangen. Der andere Copter verwendet Methoden der Schwarmrobotik um dem menschlich gesteuerten Copter zu entkommen. Dabei werden die Grundlagen der Schwarmintelligenz und -Robotik interaktiv vorgestellt und erläutert. Zusätzlich können die Zuschauer erkennen, wie die Kombination von Virtuellen und Echten Robotern genutzt werden können um  komplexe System zu verstehen und mit wenig Aufwand zu parametrisieren.

Wann: 21. Mai 2016, um 19:00 Uhr

Wo: SwarmLab der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg Raum G29-035




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Xenija Neufeld is in the news

18.04.2016 -

One of our PhD students Xenija Neufeld is in the news today:



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CeBIT 2016

16.03.2016 -

SwarmLab was present at CeBIT 2016: We gave a talk and presented a swarm of four flying FINken-II robots. 






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Official Opening of SwarmLab

22.02.2016 -

On Friday 19.02.2016, we had the official opening of our SwarmLab. 

Marco Tullner (State secretary) and Dr. Tauber (general secretary of CDU) together with the president of the university visited our SwarmLab.

Click here for more information in German.








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Visitors from Max-Weber-Program

21.01.2016 -

Last Friday (15th January), a group of students from Max-Weber-Program visited the SwarmLab. It was a very nice experience for us to share and discuss our newest research with them! Thanks for visiting us, Lukas, Moritz, and Julian! 






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Ada Lovelace Breakfast

02.10.2015 -

On Friday October 2, we hosted another Ada Lovelace breakfast in SwarmLab :-)




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30.09.2015 -

On Saturday 19.09.2015, Sanaz gave a lecture about Swarm Intelligence in KinderUni at the University of Magdeburg. After the lecture, the children (8 to 12 years old) attended a swarm game. It was really nice! Thanks to our KinderUni students :-) 







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Farewell Party for Kei Harada

14.09.2015 -

Kei Harada from Doshisha University, Kyoto (Japan) visited our lab for about 6 months. The members of Lab organized a farewell party for him:


We enjoyed working with Kei and hope that he visits us very soon again! 


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CIG Course: Team Machete won the first prize!

09.09.2015 -

Axel Garcia and the Team Machete from the course Computational Intelligence in Games won the first prize in the Fighting Game Competition at the IEEE Computational Intelligence in Games Conference, which was held from 31 August to 2 September 2015 in Taiwan:

Here to the results:




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Last Modification: 16.08.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster