Project Meeting at BOSCH Arena 2036
We have been visiting our industrial partner Bosch at Arena 2036. Really productive meeting:
CI Group at GECCO 2019
Jens, Palina, Mahrokh, Sebastian, Heiner and Sanaz visited GECCO 2019 in Prague and presented 5 papers. The highlight of the conference was the keynote talk of Professor Ingo Rechenberg (photo with him):
Games and AI Competition 2019
The students of the course Computational Intelligence in Games 2019 attended an internal competetion before getting ready for the international competition, which will take place at the IEEE International Conference on Games in August 2019 in London.
Special thanks to our sponsors RegioCom and AxeTrading.
Here some pictures of the event:
Visitors from UNSW Australia
Professor Ray and Dr. Singh from UNSW visited SwarmLab. We had very good discussions about common research and future works:
2nd Place at RoboCup WorldCup
Our Team RobOtto got the 2nd place at WorldCup RoboCup@Work League which took place from 2 to 8 July in Sydney. Here some pictures:
Kick Off Meeting BMBF-Project MOSAIK
Jens, Thomas and Sanaz attended the Kick Off Meeting of our newly accepted BMBF project in Nürnberg.
Annabel Latham visiting SwarmLab
Dr. Annabel Latham from Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, is visiting us:
She will give a talk about:
Automated Profiling of Individual Traits: Modelling Learning Styles with Oscar Conversational Intelligent Tutoring System
Use of computational intelligence methods for automated user profiling have been widely publicised recently following the Cambridge Analytica / FaceBook scandal, with implications for the ethics and governance of tracking data held on social media and other platforms. Debate over the validity of psychological models of personality and learning styles is not new, however adaptive and targeted online advertisements that rely on such models are big business. This talk explores the application of intelligent systems to user profiling in the online learning domain. It will describe research to develop methods for profiling individual traits in a learning context, introducing a Conversational Intelligent Tutoring System called Oscar and the experiments to automatically predict each individual learner’s preferred style in order to provide an adaptive learning experience. Using the Felder-Silverman model of learning styles, a set of typical behaviours is mapped to a set of variables to capture each learner’s behaviour during an adaptive conversational tutorial. The complexities of capturing data implicitly during a real-time tutoring conversation in a live teaching/learning environment will be discussed. A number of methods and algorithms (e.g. rule-based, MLP neural networks, decision trees, fuzzy decision trees) were applied to the behaviour dataset to determine the best predictions for each of the 4 dimensions of learning style, and for attribute selection to reduce time/complexity for application in real-time tutoring conversations.
LNDW 2019
SwarmLab opened the doors to the visitors on Saturday 25th May. We welcomed many visitors:
Lehrstuhl Film
Take a look inside SwarmLab:
The above movie has been prepared by the project FEMININ:
New Research Project DORIOT
We are starting a new project called DORIOT which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Together with our colleagues at the University of Magdeburg, University of applied sciences Bielefeld, AKKA DSO GmbH and Thorsis Thechnologies GmbH, we will work on a dynamic runtime environment for organic (dis) aggregating IoT processes: "German: Dynamische Laufzeitumgebung für organisch (dis-)aggregierende IoT-Prozesse".
The project started in May 2019 and will finish in 2022.
More information will be available soon.
New Research Project MOSAIK
We are starting a new project called MOSAIK which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Together with our colleagues at the University of Erlangen, DFKI (German Research Center for AI), Robert BOSCH GmbH and NETSYNO Software GmbH, we will work on Methodologies for the self-organized aggregation of interacting components: "German: Methodik zur selbstorganisierten Aggregation interaktiver Komponenten".
The project started in May 2019 and will finish in 2022.
More information will be available soon.

2nd Place at RoboCup GermanOpen
Our RoboCup team got the second place at the @Work League in GermanOpen 2019:
Keynote talk at OsloMet AI-lab
Sanaz gave a talk at Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet) for the Opening Ceremony of the AI-Lab:
Research Retreat 2019
We spent the last two days in the beautiful area of Thale for our research retreat 2019. Lots of interesting talks, exchange of ideas, hiking and games were on the program.
Dissertation Defense Tuan Tran Nguyen
Tuan Tran Nguyen has successfully defended his dissertation entitled “A Reliability-Aware Fusion Concept toward Robust Ego-Lane”. Rudolf Kruse (CI Group), Sebastian Zug (Bergakademie TU Freiberg) and Frank Hoffmann (TU Dortmund) are the three reviewers of this thesis. The photo shows Dr. Nguyen at the Otto von Guericke Memorial during the fun ceremony after the promotion defense.
KI im GenderCheck
Im Wissenschaftsjahr 2019 fördert das BMBF ausgewählte Vorhaben der Wissenschaftskommunikation zum Themenbereich Künstliche Intelligenz. In den kommenden Monaten gibt es viele spannende Projekte zu entdecken. Der lehrstuhl Computational Intelligence ist in dem Projekt "KI im Gendercheck eine Convention zur Künstlichen Intelligenz im Wissenschaftsjahr 2019” beteiligt. Im November soll eine Convention über das Thema geben. Mehr Info folgt.
SYnENZ Symposium
Rudolf Kruse war die Co-Organizer von SYnENZ Symposium, die im Februar in Braunschweig stattgefunden hat. Im Rahmen des Symposiums wurde über Zusammenwirken von natürlicher und künstlicher Intelligenz und insbesondere die grundsätzliche rechtliche, ethische und anthropologische Probleme interdisziplinär diskutiert. Renommierte Wissenschaftler aus der Wissenschaft und Industrie haben daran teilgenommen und aktiv mutdiskutiert. Highlight des Symposiums waren die Vorträge von Professor Wolfgang Wahlster (DFKI) und Professor Andreas Kruse (Uni Heidelberg). Fakultät für Informatik der Otto-von-Guericke-Universtität war zusätzlich von Sanaz Mostaghim vertreten, die einen Vortrag über “Kooperation mittels Schwarmintelligenz” gehalten hat. Mehr Info:
SYnENZ symposium took place on 14 and 15 February in Braunschweig. SYnENZ is about the cooperation between AI and natural Intelligence and the synergies coming out of this cooperation. The symposium was co-organized by Rudolf Kruse as one of the leading AI researchers in Germany. Computer Scientists, Philosophers and Lawyers were attending it to discuss about the future of AI. Sanaz gave a talk about Swarm Intelligence.
More information:
Prestigious Eric Dybsand Scholarship for Xenija Neufeld
Xenija Neufeld receives the prestigious Eric Dybsand Scholarship for 2019:
Xenija Neufeld, Doktorandin am Lehrstuhl Computational Intelligence, hat die "Eric Dybsand Memorial AI Scholarship” als Auszeichnung bekommen. Einmal im Jahr wird diese Auszeichnung von IGDA (International Game Developer Association) an KI-Wissenschaftler bzw. Doktoranden im Bereich Computerspiele vergeben. Mehr Info:
Besucher im SwarmLab
High School students from Siemens Gymnasium visited SwarmLab:
Best presentation award at Doctoral Symposium
Alexander Dockhorn received the best presentation award at the doctoral symposium, 29th January 2019. Congratulations!