Sanaz as a new member of Saxon Academy of Sciences
Sanaz has been appointed to be a new member of Saxon Academy of Sciences (Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften - SAW). More information about SAW taken from the webpage of SAW "It is founded in 1846 under the name of Royal Saxon Society for the Sciences, the Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities. ... More than 200 scientists of all disciplines meet regularly to exchange views, examine methods and results of specialist studies in interdisciplinary discussion and engage in long-term basic research."
SwarmLab in Postdoc-NeT-AI "Robotics and AI"
Faculty research award 2021
Jens Weise received the Faculty of Computer Science Research Award 2021. Congratulations!
In the same ceremony, Professor Kruse gave the best student research award which is called "Rudolf Kruse Award" to Anne Rother.
reAdopt - ROS-enabled autonomous driving for passenger transportation

Palina's PhD Defense
Palina Bartashevich successfully defended her PhD thesis. Congratulations on the excellent work!
Best Student Paper Award
Simon has received the best student award for his paper "The Dynamic Role Mining Problem - Role Mining in Dynamically Changing Business Environments" which he published at the 13th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications (ECTA/IJCCI).
BMBF Project Meeting - MOSAIK
Finally after a long time of having only digital meetings, we could meet for the first time since 2020. Many talks, presentations and the highlight was a hackathon. We could even organize a social event in Laser Tag :-)
LNDW 2021
On Saturday 29th May 2021, we presented three projects from SwarmLab and the Chair of CI at the Long Night of Science 2021, Digital (Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft LNDW21).
Project 1: OVGU Bot (by Xenjia Neufeld)
Project 2: CIcker - Season 1
Project 3: oTToCar
to be uploaded
CIcker Season 1
In preparation for the long night of science 2021 (Digital), we made a movie from our CIcker Project Season 1:
Carolo Cup@Home 2021
Our robotic team "oTToCAR" successfully took part in the Carolo-Cup 2021.
The competition took place under special circumstances caused by the ongoing Corona pandemic. The team performed the driving @Home and received the 4th place in the Basic-Cup at Carolo-Cup@Home.
Further details are available in the dedicated article written by the team.
New Blog for CIcker Season 1 Project
We are starting a blog about our new Robotic Game AI platform "CIcker". In this blog, we will regularly post about this project, which we call it CIcker Season 1.
The goal of this project is to let AI play against a human player. This project is initiated by three students who visited the robotic activities at SwarmLab and visited the course Computational Intelligence in Games.
This is called Season 1, since in this season we will have AI against human. In Season 2, we aim to have AI against AI.
DoktorandenTag 2021
Mahrokh and Jens presented their PhD programs at the doctoral symposium of the faculty of computer science. Jens received the best presentation award:
SYnENZ Book online
Rudolf Kruse has edited a newly published book on Synergy and Intelligence: Technical, Ethical and Legal Challenges of the Interaction of Living and Non-Living Entities in the Age of Digitization (SYnENZ).
The Chair of CI has also contributed to this book by the paper:
- Sanaz Mostaghim and Sebastian Mai
- Kooperation mittels Schwarmintelligenz
- In Haux R, Gahl K, Jipp M, Kruse R, Richter O, Herausgeber. Zusammenwirken von natürlicher und künstlicher Intelligenz. Pages 55-69, Wiesbaden: Springer VS; 2021,
Sanaz as the new vice president of IEEE CIS
Since January 2021, Sanaz has been apoointed as the vice president of member activities at IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (IEEE CIS):
Xenija defended her PhD
Xenija successfully defended her PhD! Congratulations for this great achievement!!
Christmas Party 2020
CIG Competition Award Ceremony
The CIG Heathstone competition award ceremony took place. The two winning teams Alexander Babel, Jann-Martin Kias (Bachelor) and Nils Bonhof, Jon-Miles Graeffe were very happy to be given the prices from the sponsoring companie AxeTrading and regiocom.
CIG Competition Results
The results of the internal CIG competition are now online. All competing students please have a look! We thank our sponsors for their support:
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Keynote Talk at IJCCI 2020
On Wednesday 4th November, Sanaz gave a keynote talk at the 12th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI) 2020.
Title: Collective and Individual Decision-Making in Swarm Robotics
Abstract: Autonomous systems are becoming more and more ubiquitous and their influence on our lives grows every day. In the last years, computational intelligence methods have – more than ever - extensively contributed to the latest scientific breakthrough in developing such intelligent systems. Nevertheless, one major challenge concerns the real-time reactions of autonomous systems to the unknown dynamics in their environments which is considered to be among the grand challenges in this area. This talk is about multi-objective decision making algorithms in Swarm Robotics. It will give an overview about the design issues and the challenges in real-time applications in robotics and computer games. In most of such applications, the decision makers (robots or agents) must find and select one possible optimal solution in a very limited time frame. This is very challenging, when the environment dynamically changes as the decision maker needs to re-optimize and decide on the fly. Multi-objective decision making algorithms in dynamically changing environments will be addressed and applications in Swarm Robotics will be presented. The results on individual and collective decision making are represented.
New research blog
From today, we will weekly post new research findings, videos, codes, etc. in our research blog.